Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Just like Mindy!

COLOR: Hot pink
BEVERAGE: Hot chocolate
PLACE: Heaven
REASON FOR BEING LATE: Hannah, especially school!He He!

No Worries!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


You can count this as a flier...


Happy Holidays!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I really can't believe tomorrow is Christmas eve!!!I'm so excited!My class at church will be having a huge party, and i can't wait!!!I love Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Another Birthday!

I might go to my grandparents after church today for my big family b-day party, because my grandparents went on a vacation before we were supposed to have the party. they had to leave early because of the snow storm!!!So hopefully we can do it today!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

No School, Babysitting Instead!!!

Today my mom had to help with the science fair at my school, and my dad had to go to a meeting.So I ended up staying home, tending my little sister,and brother. My brother had to go to my school with my mom, then my mom called and said that my brother was coming home to take over, so I can go to school.Then my mom brought my little bro, and sis to my school, and my brother played outside while my friends took my little sis inside to stay warm!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'm a Gummy Bear!

Fun in the... CAR!

Today is my real birthday, yesterday I went with my friend to a Christmas concert, but we had to have a parking permit and we couldn't park any where! So we went to a book store, Subway, and Carl's Junior for a shake! We also saw some awesome different changing Christmas lights!!! It was a half hour away, so we played the ABC game on the way! I got really carsick, but after some chips I felt great again! My Friend and I both fell asleep for at least five minutes.
I hope I get a mountain bike for my birthday! I have my fingers crossed!!!:)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Yay Yay Yay!!!

Yay yay Yay yay Yay yay Yay and on and on and on!Tomorrow is my b-day!Yay for me!!!I can't wait!
My favorite part is the presents, and turning older!(and of course everything else!) so I don't have a favorite!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Nathan and his Words!

Nathan is so hilarious! We were playing "UNO" and there was a blank card. My dad had never seen that kind of card, so he made it a ghost card, so when we put it down we would say BOO to the person next to us. My dad said boo to Nathan. After a few seconds Nathan said... "I just got freaked out you know!"

Casey and I were listening to a song from Weird Al, called Eat It (instead of Beat It) and of course he was floppin' every where doing his so called karate moves.His face was red and he looked like he just worked out! Okay so this is more like his actions, but I can't name all of the funny things he says because my mom talks about his silly sentences on her blog, @ And in closing I only have one word to say three times in a row... NATHAN, NATHAN, NATHAN!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


My friends are so cool, once they found out about my blog ,they wanted one!I LOVE MY FRIENDS, AND FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wait? No way!

In about thirteen (13) days, it will my birthday.The Saturday before that will be my birthday I celebrate with my cousins!I can't wait, really, try being born in the winter, it is so hard to wait for my birthday!it seems as though everyone else has two birthdays before you even get one!But it sure is exciting when December comes!

Monday, November 24, 2008



R:revolving(beware i have no clue what that means)




that is how it is at my house!CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY AND MORE CRAZZZZZZZZY!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I'm here! Yep i am at the hair party, sadly not much people are here:( It is still fun. there is food and cookies! YUM!My mom sold some hair bows to my cousins' friends,and my mom also did their hair! Got to go!BYE!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hair Party Helper!

That's me!Yep I am the hair party helper!so I actually like this business, cause I am very important!Yay me!if you want to have a hair party just schedule with my mom!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I am the second oldest of six, and fifth youngest.I sometimes hate having so much brothers and sisters, but I wouldn't be the same if I was an only child! Let me start off with Emma, she is such a great example to me. Her and Nathan always say thanks, I love mom, or even please!Nathan is the comedian in the family which he probably got it from my dad! Then there is Hannah, she is always very funny and likes to play with stuffed animals. I'm always amazed that she can have one toy and play with it for hours!Sometimes my family looks at all her favorite friends house and can't find her! Then we decided to check her closet, there Hannah is!Tyler is a great artist, he took art classes, but even before that he could draw a fire. He put blue in it, and my mom asked what it was, he said that he can see blue in fire!This is when he was four or three!WOW! He is also a great rock climber!Casey is not a younger sibling but an older one, he is crazy about air softing!He is always talking about it and saying he loves it!

Monday, November 17, 2008


This post will be mostly on my mom.My mom is so awesome!She cooks,cleans,and has time to play games and to make goodies.YUM!Almost every day she makes dinner,not like buys it half way cooked, but actually makes it!My mom will take time to make home lunch for me and my brothers and sisters and has time to do cute hairstyles!She has a blog that has awesome hairstyles,and you will find out that I am her model!Her hair blog is @ she is a GREAT AND AWESOME MOTHER!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008


btw i have now clue what to say!LOL AGAIN!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Hey what up?Today I do not have to go to school, cuz my cousins are leaving today!:(Oh well, I will defiantly miss them! I love bloggin' it's just like a journal, but everyone can look at it, and leave comments!(which i hope if you are reading this you will leave a comment after)We (my family and i)got WII FIT and it is sooooooooooooooo fun!My cuz that is my age loves the Yoga, she says it makes her BOTTOM hurt!STRANGELY ODD, AND ODDLY STRANGE!I like the balance games, they are soooooooooooooooooo much fun!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

20 total!

10 things I can do...

1.I can play about every sport,

2.I can sleep through almost anything,

3.I can camp in very cold weather,

4.I can cook Top Roman,

5.I can do a full twist upside down by myself,

6.I can french braid my own hair,

7.I can cook cookies by myself,
8.I can babysit pretty good,(see Babysitting Rocks on my older posts)
9.I can take a shower in 7 minutes doing everything washing hair, etc,
10.I can play the piano very well.
Ten things I can't do...
1.I can't seem to keep my room clean,
2. I can't throw a football very far,
3. I can't wear shorts in 40 degrees F.
4. I can't stand hearing people talking bad or swearing,
5.I can't jump off a plane without a parachute DUH!
6.I can't type on my blog every day,
7. I can't have a fight with my friends for over 3 days,
8.I can't stand babysitting at night for more than 3 hours,
9. I can't stand the smell of laundry detergent,
10.I can't go a whole day without eating something DUH AGAIN LOL

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hey! (from the cuzin!)

Hey there! Its me, Hays cousin! I want a blog, but don't belong to one (jkjklol) so i decided to write in Hays! just do NOT tell her! (ha! ya, like she wouldn't look!) I am @ her house right now, listenin' to kids play WII FIT, and oh yeah, SCREAM AND YELL ABOUT shakin booties and throwing shoes! muahaha! just kidding, its really noisy though! Hey, i have an idea... since Hailey found out that i am writin' in her thing, i am gonna chat with her! I will be PURPLe and Hay will be RED! ok so here we go!
Hey, my cousin is like sooooo crazy! B.T.W hey cousin, let me guess your favorite color is PURPLE!!!
WOWZA! and hey HAY! how did you know! idk what ur fav. color is... :) remember those people that got robberized??? SCARY!!!! AHK! What are your oh so wize wordz about zat!?!?
well i got freaked out! my cuz and i went to take the garbage out at PITCH BLACK NIGHT, and she tripped and screamed a little, so i went screaming while running toward the door thinking the robber was back!!!
OH, HAY, i would never EVER let a robber kidnap ya! I mean, you are my bombin cousin ever! (well... actually... jk ily!) So i was thinking, and i decided to ask ya what you would do if a robber (rober, i mean roober lol) came to this house RIGHT NOW!!! (i mean at night when we were asleep... :)))
That would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(and on and on and on) dang SCARY!:(:(:( so i guess we wrote enough i mean this is my longest post ever(so far)so bye!Cuz say bye...
In the words of N*sync: BYE BYE BYE! and keep on being a womanizer, you thriller (HAHA!!! Britt S, and Mike J:)) LOLZ bye bye bye!) ILUVYA!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

FANTASTIC 4 (i mean six)

Today my bros and sisters and of course me, were setting up little places to go trick-or-treating.Like by our rooms we would put the candy we didn't like in a basket, we would go around and say "trick or treat" and either grab a piece or they would give us one! It was defiantly very fun, and those are words from a ten year old! Even my big brother Casey played with us! Casey was more in to scaring the little kids by jumping out of dark places making strange noises then getting candy! But hey that's boys right?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

What a CRAZY Halloween!!!

Halloween was very very fun! My family (except my dad) went around our own block, and got a ton of candy! A couple hours before we went trick-or-treating we went to the assistant home/retirement home and went trick-or-treating there!After trick-or-treating we all went around to all the spook alleys,Iwas hanging on to my dad the whole time! Since i was a Hawaiian girl I wore flip-flops that were actually my slippers, then it started raining and they got all soggy! luckily the day before we went trunk or treating and got home pretty late,and Tyler left his tennis shoes in the car! My slippers were soooooo wet I put Tyler's shoes on so my feet would be dry, but my feet hurt really bad.Not to mention it was embarrassing to walk around in a dress with boys tennis shoes on!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008


It's early and my eyes are droopy, but luckily I can still type this post. I couldn't believe it, Nathan still has preschool on one of the best holidays ever!!! I mean why would they do that?I am so glad I don't have school today, but still feel bad for Nathan.Now I just have two words to say... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


When I was typing the title of this post I thought about the song... Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat, and so on. Only my version was... Halloween is coming the goose is getting fat! I can't wait until Halloween, I mean seriously every kid my age and younger(maybe even older) wants about at least 100 pieces of candy! And I'm not letting my parents take any this year! Ha Ha mom and dad!! Especially you dad, no chocolate for you! I'm being a Hawaiian girl this year, Casey is being James Bond,and Hannah is being a dog. Nathan surprised us all wanting at first to be a dog that says... trick or treat chihuahua but ended up choosing to be a tarantula. Emma is a darling little fairy, and Tyler is going to be a pumpkin. what a cute little Halloween bunch!!!:)
T.T.F.N ( ta ta for now)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Today was just an ordinary day, but tomorrow I am going to see High School Musical 3!!! Yay me! I am also very excited for Halloween! I hope I will get 500 pieces of candy,(highly impossible around here) but hey everyone can dream! Now let's stick to the subject, so if you have ever seen High School Musical, or hairspray you will know why I can't wait until tomorrow!(and if you don't let's just say that Zac Efron is like so cute okay?) Now if you just found out about my blog, don't forget to check out my other posts.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Rock Hounding Rocks!!!

This weekend was sooooooo awesome!!! My family and I went rock hounding for... geodes, sunstone, topaz, and trilobites.
This is a trilobite I found!
( we didn't find any topaz though) We stayed at a hotel and drove to the places to rock hound. I loved the sunstone, to get some pieces out you have to get a screwdriver and a hammer (a rock works too) and hit the screwdriver with the hammer/rock 'till some pieces come out. My little brother and I love to climb which was perfect, cuz there was perfect places to do it. At the very end we went to the sand dunes and played in the sand. There was a lot of four-wheelers and dune buggies so we had to be careful. On the way to the rock places we saw a lot of monuments. We also stopped at a park to eat lunch, and at the park was a playground which had a merry- go- round. My dad was spinning it so fast the I flew off not only once but twice!!!

Right before I flew off!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Today was AWESOME

Today my friends came over, and we made headbands.We had a great time trying to sew them together. I love to sew, and apparently so do my friends! Exactly right now we are thinking of what to type. Soon they have to leave, sadly yes every good moment has an ending!!! 

Catch you later!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm a Natural Model?

Being a daughter of a super-good hairstylist is not that easy, you hear "turn your head this way, and that way"! Almost every day is picture day for me! Even though my mom is good, it gets annoying.
When my mom does my friends hair they are so amazed. I know her hairstyles are really really cute, but I get tired of it. My friends always say my hair looks really cool, and cute, so I guess it's not that bad. It's still really cool to see the new hairstyles. I'm a natural model!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Grandma's House is AWESOME!!!

My family and I went to my dad's parents house for a family rienuin then spent the rest of the week. While we were there we went to a water park which was really fun! I also went rock climbing! My cousins also stayed for the whole week. It was so great having cousins there to play with. My cousins have a dog named Harley who was an AWESOME playmate for Molly ( my puppy) Family is a SUPER great blessing.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Babysitting ROCKS!!!

I LOVE babysitting, if it was a sport, I would definitely sign up! When I babysit I like to play games where the kids are challenged, like if they can reach a piece of candy in the middle of a rug, without letting there feet or knees touch. It's kind of funny watching them try to reach the prize!

Out door games are my favorite, like jumping on the tramp,or maybe baseball. I really do love babysitting, so if you need a babysitter call me!!!